Packing Away

Did you know that a giant chocolate bar is 5 ounces? That means that 3 make almost a pound and so 15 chocolate bars make 5 lbs. Mom has been making me weigh and total the things we’re packing in her check-in luggage and since I am no math wiz, the blackberry calculator has been very handy.

We’ve also been arguing about what to bring and what to leave behind and I’ve had to keep reminding her that the new policy of US customs is very strict with regards to the amount of liquids that can be brought on board as carry on luggage. I love my Mom but this is very exasperating. She is already chiding me for even thinking about sending a fourth box — which is supposed to be MY box this time. I get to put in what I want to put in, as much as I want to put in.

With just 2 days before Mom leaves, we have to do this express. Then back to the balikbayan box.

0 thoughts on “Packing Away

  1. marilyn


    I was just wondering, wouldn’t the chocolate bars melt, it being so hot here now and also back home should she bring it in her check in bag wouldn’t they melt. I remember my dad used to bring us home Cadbury bars when he went abroad when we were young, they were always soft by the time we get them.

    Congratulations on the new job!


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