UPDATE: Reading again among other things

I haven’t done my usual “daily post”  here not for lack of trying.  I’ve been trying to update my catalogue of Starbucks Mugs (View my Flickr Set in a new window), but it’s a little tricky trying to export thumbnails and HTML codes so I finally gave up and just decided I will do everything longhand.  The pictures have been uploaded — I just need to compose them into a coherent blogpost that will be housed in my Starbucks Gallery (a new category) which I will continue to update as new mugs are added to my collection.  I have 42 mugs duly photographed, and last night, I counted at least 50 mugs on my kitchen shelf which I hope to get to during the summer, and I’m also trying to “remember” if I have any other mugs tucked away that have yet to be photographed.

And I’m happy to report I’ve started reading again.  (More on that later.)  I’ve been so happy reading that I’ve even downloaded the Supreme Court decision in Kennedy vs. Louisiana which in essence says child rapists do not deserve the death penalty.  While I try to veer away from politically loaded subjects, this one struck a cord in my heart when I got the news alert from The New York Times:  ”Supreme Court Rejects Death Penalty for Child Rapists“.  I don’t know how to react.  So I thought I would read the rationale given by our esteemed judges of the Supreme Court and see why they felt it was an unjust and cruel form of punishment given the nature of the crime.

That distracted me from my current research into resurrecting my business after I had gone through the motions of revisiting the relevant government websites to get me going.  I’m completely lost now on that but I will write about it again later.  (Promises, promises — I know.)  To be frank with you, I haven’t quite decided the exact direction I’m taking on this one but research is part of preparing for it.  After reading through the preliminary paperwork, I realize I have to think of a business name.  (That itself is going to be a blogpost in the future or two..)  Pinay New Yorker?  Nah… that’s my signature/monicker, but it doesn’t do it for me as a business name.

The past few days have also seen me doodling and scribbling away as I attempt to come up with my own digital scrapbooking kit.  (Ambitious, I know!)  But I have these simple ideas I’m executing for my Manila Scrapbook which I hope to share for free here in this website.  So my evenings have been spent doodling and coloring captions and tags.  I’m still working on the embellishments, although I am not optimistic I will be able to come up with a paper pack.  I have spent time debating with myself about whether or not crayons or craypass work as well as markers.  I am experimenting and I am getting there while having fun doing it.

Oh, and I almost forgot.  I have been getting a slew of comments worth publishing were it not for the fact that they were posted without a working e-mail or URL to track back to  by the author.  =(  So sad that that’s the case because they would’ve seen the light of day here on my blog and might have even merited a response from me but I have rules to follow.  As requested, please do provide an e-mail address and/or a working URL in the future.