A Shared Passion for Reading

One of the things I regretted leaving behind (and having to give away in the process) when I moved to New York in 2000 was my then rather modest library of books I had collected through the years.  I leftthe paperbacks back in San Juan but I selected friends to whom I gave away the hardcover books and CDs I had decided were too cumbersome to bring with me as I moved across the oceans.

I have always loved to read.  My dear Auntie Lydia had turned me on to reading fairy tales and nursery rhymes as soon as I could do my ABCs.  I still remember how she introduced me to Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales by gifting me with a children’s version when I turned 7.  (And that book remains to be one of my most precious possessions, finally making it back to New York with me in 2010.)

She also introduced me to Reader’s Digest when I was in first grade.  Then I discovered Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys sometime in grade school.  I managed to read around 75% of the books on the list and to this day I regret not having completed all the Nancy Drew mysteries.  My encyclopedia set at home came with an accompanying set of children’s books which I loved to peruse and read.  In that series I was introduced not only to our beloved children’s fairy tales but fables and Greek mythology as well.

In high school, I read more purposefully and while reading homework took a lot of my time, I continued to try and read a wide range of books, spurned on primarily by our guidance counsellor’s advise to read and read when I asked about how I can increase my IQ.  (That’s another blogpost altogether.)  But who can forget Antoine de Saint- Exupery’s The Little Prince which I love to this day.

In college, I decided I would start my own collection.  I discovered my now favorite authors Richard Bach (more popularly known for “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” but whose “Illusions”  touched me more profoundly); friends from the service organization I joined in college, Opin and Carol (a.k.a. Beauty)  introduced me to Frederick Forsyth via the The Day of the Jackal and Robert Ludlum via The Bourne Identity.   My bestfriend from high school, Gina, introduced me to  Leo Buscaglia whose “Living Loving and Learning” remains to be one of my favorite gifts to friends.

In this day and age of e-readers, I continue to share my love of reading, giving one of two kindles I received two Christmases ago to my sister, Ofie.  And just recently, I shared the wonders of Kindle for PC with a dear friend who now has the books in my e-library to peruse and pore through.  It’s such joy to find someone who loves the written word as much as I do — sifting through the stories and plots and immersing one’s self in another’s point of view.

I feel like a “Book Santa” who has opened new doors for a friend to continue reading again.  As someone who loves reading and chalking up “books read” on my list, I know what getting to the end of the story feels like — and how it signals you can go to the next book on your list.

Enjoy the books, and when you read them, I hope you feel me right there beside you reading them, too.  I look forward to the conversations on the common books we read — and will read together — in the coming days.

Catching up on the reading: My Bookshelf, My Kindle

I have actually vowed NOT to buy any books until I can jumpstart my reading again, and while I have been cradling my Apple iPad and my Kindle  and keeping them handy in my tote, I haven’t really done much reading in the last couple of months.  Not good, I know.

Right now I have around 5 hard bound books waiting to be read, and I’ve gotten nowhere with Betty White’s “If You Ask Me: (And of Course You Won’t)(Note to self: Hoping to finish THIS weekend!) and I’ve practically given up on Neil Gaiman’s “American Gods: A Novel(One more try?).  What I’m raring to start reading (which is going against what I just said I had vowed) is George R. R. Martin’s third installment of  “A Storm of Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 3) which I just downloaded.

So maybe — just maybe — I’ll finish American Gods.. and get on with reading Agassi’s “Open (which was actually Ofie, my sister’s pick), and get on with catching up with the Grisham books I have yet to read.  (Soooo way behind with that one, too!)  I know I want to read more than I actually manage to.  I can certainly do better.  With theKindle just a touch away, I really have no excuse.  And there are the other books I downloaded which I hope to eventually get to.. if I can get a 48-hour day.  LOL

My books have always been a source of solace and pride for me.  Solace because they have provided me with a place where I can enrich myself without actually going anywhere and spending for more than what the book would’ve cost.  Pride because I count them as a personal accomplishment when I think about the books I HAVE managed to read.  It makes me feel as though I am actually doing something proactive to keep my brain cells alive and kicking. =) Let’s see how many books I will manage to finish reading this 2012. 12? That’s a modest and reasonable goal. Let’s hope I meet it.

Monday and then some…

I’ve been trying to create my first Art Journal Every Day entry for the month of March all morning — to no avail. So I finally gave up after ruining several drafts pieces and decided my hand was too unsteady and my mind too fickle at this point to keep trying, and I put my pen down.

Not that I’ve been zero on the creativity front. I actually created several earring drops last night, but I had to postpone attaching them to earwires until tonight because I had to “undo” a few pairs. But I’m quite happy with what I came up with, and I must say I can’t make up my mind as to which ones to sell and to keep for myself. (Ha! The benefits of being able to create one’s own accessories.)

I recently finished the first book in the Hunger Games Trilogy, The Hunger Games and I have to admit I’m hooked, and eagerly trying to ready on to get through all three. I didn’t even know about this series until my goddaughter Eeya told me about it as I tried to probe her if she read and what kind of literature she is into, etc. I had my own ulterior motives for asking (which I cannot reveal here because she takes a peek into Ninang’s blog from time-to-time), but she told me about trying to get her hand on a copy of the third installment of the Trilogy, Mockingjay (The Final Book of The Hunger Games).

So I went to Amazon and got the trilogy for Kindle , and now I feel as though we are reading together.  I just started the second book in the series, Catching Fire and just when I thought it couldn’t stir up any more excitement, it does as a new element of the story is introduced.  (Okay, no spoilers here.)  I’m just happy to be back into reading again, and as Eeya said, although she hasn’t had the time to go back and get to the third installment, she figures by the time I start, she will be reading it, too.

Surprise of surprises!

I haven’t really had the chance to seriously sit down and post but the first thing I usually see are the comments that have come in between posts.  Although I get an e-mail alert when one comes in, I don’t really get the chance to pore through them and see which ones are spam and which ones are actually legitimate.

Today I was totally blown away to find my Art Journal Every Day guru and artist idol and total source for happy thoughts, Julie Fei Fan Balzer had actually stopped by to write a comment here ON MY BLOG..

{pausing to enjoy the moment}

I am truly humbled. I was going to use the subheading font size but figured it didn’t look quite humble as if I were screaming although that is what I am figuratively doing.  Just about the kind of push one needs when all the attempts for the day ended up in the trash can… I will be scribbling in the car, I am almost sure. LOL.  Thank you, Julie. And thank you, too, for the recognition, as I found my work getting special mention in your blog.  Me?  On Julie’s Blog????? For someone “just giving it a try”, I feel this is a very touching affirmation I should keep trying. (HA!)

Time to calm down now.  Back to earth for me.